[horde] X-UA-Compatible support

William Lovaton williama_lovaton at coomeva.com.co
Thu Aug 15 01:12:13 UTC 2013

Hello there,

First post here for me.

I've been using Horde for a while at my company's new mail system and
it's been really great so far (more than 16 thousand accounts).

I'm using Horde 5.0.4 and IMP 6.0.4 and the problem I have is that it
doesn't look good in IExplorer 7.  But this is not the real problem, the
thing is that this being a corporate setting the default IExplorer
setting (via GPO) is to have the Compatibility Mode on.

This causes IExplorer to advertise it self to the web server as version
7 even when the real version is mostly 9 or 10 (there are a few
IExplorers 8 but they are a minority).

Now, I thought this could have been fixed by configuring specific
subdomains in IExplorer to apply the Compatibility Mode but Microsoft
made an stupid decision of not allowing subdomains.  This setting
affects the whole base domain and their subdomains!!...  Unbelievable!!.

I've been searching the mailing list and there are some discussions
about supporting the X-UA-Compatible header to solve this type of
problem but I don't know if there is any final decision about this.

I'm planning to update Horde to 5.1.2 and IMP to 6.1.3 and I'd like to
know if there is an option to solve this problem with the updated
versions... or maybe someone else have a an idea of how to deal with
this situation.

Thanks a lot for your attention,


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