[horde] install from GIT -> migration issues

Joerg Pulz Joerg.Pulz at frm2.tum.de
Fri Aug 16 08:36:24 UTC 2013

Dear list,

i've installed horde from git, following exactly the official  
documentation for it.
I've configured everything and it is running very smooth.

After another 'git pull' i noticed several new migration scripts for  
framework packages (e.g. History).
I did a 'php ./install_dev' checked that "$app_fileroot" is set  
correctly in the destinations 'config/registry.php'.
Running 'bin/horde-db-migrate' in the destination folder has  
checked/updated DB schemas for all horde applications but not for  
framework packages.
It shows that only horde applications can be updated.
Looking in the configuration Web UI shows only the installed horde  
applications but no framework packages.

Looking around in the destination folder shows, that no 'migration'  
directories have been linked/copied by running 'php ./install_dev' in  
the git checkout folder. How should horde-db-migrate work if there is  
no migration folder for framework packages?

Manually linking/copying the migration directories from git folder to  
the web accessible folder changes nothing. Explicitly specifying the  
migration directory doesn't work either and results in  
"/path/to/framework/migration/dir is neither a configured Horde  
application nor a migration directory". How is horde-db-migrate  
checking for registered framework packages? They are not specified in  
registry.php as they are framework packages, and not applications.

Is there something missing on my side?

As far as i understand the git install docs, there should be nothing  
more to do than evereything i have already done. Is there a magic  
undocumented command to register the framework packages so that they  
are known to horde-db-migrate?

Any help is much appreciated.

Kind regards

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