[horde] Howto fix rampage.php/nag/t/save without RewriteEngine

Reini Urban rurban at cpanel.net
Fri Aug 16 21:02:01 UTC 2013

On 08/16/2013 11:27 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Reini Urban <rurban at cpanel.net>:
>> On 08/05/2013 10:52 AM, Reini Urban wrote:
>>> We are using a special webserver without a RewriteEngine
>>> I was trying this instead, but there is no controller found.
>>> nag/lib/Form/Task.php:
>>>     public function renderActive()
>>>     {
>>>         return
>>> parent::renderActive($this->getRenderer(array('varrenderer_driver' =>
>>> array('nag', 'nag'))), $this->_vars,
>>> Horde::url('../rampage.php/nag/t/save'), 'post');
>>>     }
>>> What else is needed to get this working without the RewriteEngine hack?
>>> I only need to find and load the nag/app/controllers/SaveTask.php
>> These are the patches needed to bypass rewrites to rampage.php for nag.
>> --
>> Reini
> What are these patches supposed to do? There is no complete.php, and you
> are completely bypassing the routes...

Oh, sorry. The patches were missing the two new route-bypassing files.
This one should have all.

 > What are these patches supposed to do?
They are bypassing the unstable rewrite rules.
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