[horde] How to set quota format

Mauricio Jose T. Tecles mtecles at biof.ufrj.br
Tue Aug 20 13:10:46 UTC 2013

----- Mensagem de jan at horde.org ---------
> Zitat von Lukas Engler <engler at rz.uni-frankfurt.de>:
>> Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>> Zitat von Lukas Engler <engler at rz.uni-frankfurt.de>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I would like to change the quota format from the default short to  
>>>> the long format. This is a snippet of my backends.local.php but  
>>>> so far nothing changed, it still shows the short format. What am  
>>>> I doing wrong?
>>> The format name are the *keys*. Read the docs in backends.php again.
>> I did as you said, but using 'long' as a key followed by a string  
>> value like 'Quota status: %.2f [UNIT] / %.2f [UNIT] (%.2f%%)'  
>> doesn't change anything. If I use 'sort' as a key it is working  
>> more or less.
> Of course. Those are different formats for different locations of  
> the quota notifications. An occurrence of a quota message will only  
> change if you change the related setting in the configuration.
>> 'format' => array(
>>                 'short' => 'Quota status: %.2f [UNIT] / %.2f [UNIT]  
>> (%.2f%%)'),
>> Unit is not being replaced and it shows only the percentage of the  
>> used quota and not the actual used amount of size.
> You cannot arbitrarily add new values to those strings. These are  
> just sprintf formatting strings, i.e. you can change how the  
> *existing* values are displayed.
>>>> Using imp 6.1.2
>>>> 'quota' => array(
>>>>     'driver' => 'imap',
>>>>     'params' => array(
>>>>         'hide_when_unlimited' => false,
>>>>         'format' => array('long'),
>>>>         'unit' => 'GB'
>>>>     )
>>>> ),
> -- 
> Jan Schneider
> The Horde Project
> http://www.horde.org/
> -- 
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I didn't have time to analize the code for the current version. In  
general I modify it to the way I use quota, and when I do I use to  
create a new Wiki entry. You might have a hint at the link below (or  
not, if the code is different), the last time I did it.


Instituto de Biofisica C. C. F. - UFRJ

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