[horde] Horde icon
Jose Guzman Feliu Vivas
jfeliu at caixalmassora.es
Wed Aug 21 22:24:43 UTC 2013
Thanks Michael. The horde icon is only in
/horde/themes/default/graphics (logo.png) but the CSS cache make that
horde icon not change in screen.
My solution has been go to the horde configuration, tab "Caching" and
select "No" to $conf[cachecss], save the configuration, and in
navigator pressing the Ctrl+Sift+R, later I active the CSS cache again.
Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org> ha escrito:
> Quoting Jose Guzman Feliu Vivas <jfeliu at caixalmassora.es>:
>> I changed the image logo.png in /horde/themes/default/graphics but
>> I do not view in the screen. I deleted the navigator historial,
>> but at times I only see the new image. Exist other image to the
>> horde icon?.
> Use a tool like Firebug to see where in CSS the image is coming
> from. You also might have to clear any cached CSS on the server.
> --
> mike
> The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
> mrubinsk at horde.org
Jose Guzman Feliu Vivas
Director de informatica
C/ Trinidad, 20
12550 Almassora (Castellon)
Tef.: 964 199 699 Fax: 964 550 248
e-mail: jfeliu at caixalmassora.es
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