[horde] Ingo backends.local.php doesn't work

Benedetto Vassallo benedetto.vassallo at unipa.it
Fri Aug 23 14:46:09 UTC 2013

When I configure my filter backend (sieve) in ingo 3.1.2 it doesn't  
work if I put the backend configuration in backends.local.php

I have to configure it in backends.php

Here is my backends.local.php file

$backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;

/* Sieve Example */
$backends['sieve'] = array(
     // Disabled by default
     'disabled' => false,
     'transport' => array(
         Ingo::RULE_ALL => array(
             'driver' => 'timsieved',
             'params' => array(
                 // Hostname of the timsieved server
                 'hostspec' => 'my.sieve.server',
                 // Login type of the server
                 'logintype' => 'PLAIN',
                 // Enable/disable TLS encryption
                 'usetls' => true,
                 // Port number of the timsieved server
                 'port' => 4190,
                 // Name of the sieve script
                 'scriptname' => 'ingo',
                 // Enable debugging. The sieve protocol communication  
is logged
                 // with the DEBUG level.
                 'debug' => false,
     'script' => array(
         Ingo::RULE_ALL => array(
             'driver' => 'sieve',
             'params' => array(
                 // If using Dovecot or any other Sieve implementation that
                 // requires folder names to be UTF-8 encoded, set this
                 // parameter to true.
                 'utf8' => false,
     'shares' => false

What is wrong?
Thank you.
Benedetto Vassallo
Sistema Informativo di Ateneo
Settore Gestione Reti Hardware e Software
U.O.B. Sviluppo e manutenzione dei sistemi
Università degli studi di Palermo

Phone: +3909123860056
Fax: +390916529124

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