[horde] Configuring authentication

Andy Rowe andy at smila.net
Fri Aug 30 18:24:05 UTC 2013

Hello list:

CentOS 6.4 Apache 2.2.15 Postfix 2.6.6 PHP 5.3.3 Horde 5

I'm trying to set up authentication for the horde 5 framework. I'm
trying to use IMAP authentication. When I attempt to write the
configuration through the web interface I get a fatal error and the
console says 'HORDE: [horde] Permission denied [pid 21236 om line 319 of

All the files in that directory are set to user root and group root with
read/write for root and read for group and other. I've tried turning
selinux off, that doesn't help.

I've tried setting up authentication with the password file and that
doesn't work either.


Andrew Rowe

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