[horde] Activesync Calendar not in sync

Philipp Fäustlin philipp.faeustlin at uni-hohenheim.de
Thu Sep 12 15:59:34 UTC 2013

Since Horde 5.1.2 (Horde_ActiveSync 2.7.3) I have a problem syncing with 

After the initial sync Calendar entries/changes in Horde won't get 
recognized and won't get synced to my devices.

Changes on my devices (IPAD, Outlook 2013) instead are immediately 
synced to Horde calendar.

Changes in the horde calendar don't even show any changes to activesync 
log idling.
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] SyncCache collections refreshed.
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Refreshing @Calendar@ from the 
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Initializing state for 
collection: @Calendar@, synckey: {5231d4ef-1a64-475c-9e98-75d29029041b}6
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Loading state for synckey 
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Initializing message diff engine 
for @Calendar@ (@Calendar@)
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Using MODSEQ 962060 for @Calendar at .
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] 
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver::getServerChanges(@Calendar@, 962060, 
962060, 1376582029, 1)
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Fetching changes for calendar 
using MODSEQ.
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Found 0 message changes in 
@Calendar at .
2013-09-12T17:53:49+02:00 INFO: [27538] Sleeping for 5 seconds.

Is there a bug or do I have a configuration problem?


Philipp Fäustlin

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