[horde] Free / busy url missing for myself?

Sascha Schmidt sascha at schmidt.ps
Wed Sep 18 07:55:46 UTC 2013

>> I'm adding a appointment to my calendar. While choosing
>> additional participants I'm getting faced with a problem that the "free
>> and busy url of myself" cannot be found. I'm trying to add a member
>> exists within my addressbook and I have added a "free and busy url". 
>> But of course the free and busy url for me cannot be found within my
>> addressbook, because I do not have an entry about myself within this
>> Do I have to tell Kronolith something about myself or my own "free /
>> url" ?
> You need an entry in Turba where you select 'Mark this as your own
> contact'. Remember to enter your Freebusy URL in the tab 'Other'.

Thanks, works like charm. Was a little bit confusing that I have to add
myself to turba...


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