[horde] Gollem webdav backend?

Benedetto Vassallo benedetto.vassallo at unipa.it
Mon Sep 23 20:26:59 UTC 2013

I have another question regarding gollem.
Is there a way to set up a webdav backend for gollem?
I have an owncloud installation and I would like to give to my users  
the chance to see their files within gollem too.
The authentication backend I am using is ldap, so username and  
password will be the same as the horde ones.

Is this possible/planned?
Thank you.

Benedetto Vassallo
Sistema Informativo di Ateneo
Settore Gestione Reti Hardware e Software
U.O.B. Sviluppo e manutenzione dei sistemi
Università degli studi di Palermo

Phone: +3909123860056
Fax: +390916529124

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