[horde] Restore user backup from mysql databases

Srecko Bozic srecko_bb at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 17 08:27:26 UTC 2013

I need to restore backup database to single-user (eg, calendar,address book), without touching the rest of the other user base.
Does anyone know how can we solve this problem?

Here is list of tables in horde databases, 

content_schema_info              |
| horde_activesync_cache           |
| horde_activesync_device          |
| horde_activesync_device_users    |
| horde_activesync_mailmap         |
| horde_activesync_map             |
| horde_activesync_schema_info     |
| horde_activesync_state           |
| horde_alarm_schema_info          |
| horde_alarms                     |
| horde_auth_schema_info           |
| horde_cache                      |
| horde_cache_schema_info          |
| horde_core_schema_info           |
| horde_group_schema_info          |
| horde_groups                     |
| horde_groups_members             |
| horde_histories                  |
| horde_history_schema_info        |
| horde_lock_schema_info           |
| horde_locks                      |
| horde_muvfs                      |
| horde_perms                      |
| horde_perms_schema_info          |
| horde_prefs                      |
| horde_prefs_schema_info          |
| horde_sessionhandler             |
| horde_sessionhandler_schema_info |
| horde_signups                    |
| horde_syncml_anchors             |
| horde_syncml_map                 |
| horde_syncml_schema_info         |
| horde_token_schema_info          |
| horde_tokens                     |
| horde_users                      |
| horde_vfs                        |
| horde_vfs_schema_info            |
| imp_schema_info                  |
| imp_sentmail                     |
| ingo_forwards                    |
| ingo_lists                       |
| ingo_rules                       |
| ingo_schema_info                 |
| ingo_shares                      |
| ingo_shares_groups               |
| ingo_shares_users                |
| ingo_sharesng                    |
| ingo_sharesng_groups             |
| ingo_sharesng_users              |
| ingo_spam                        |
| ingo_vacations                   |
| kronolith_events                 |
| kronolith_events_geo             |
| kronolith_events_mysqlgeo        |
| kronolith_resources              |
| kronolith_schema_info            |
| kronolith_shares                 |
| kronolith_shares_groups          |
| kronolith_shares_users           |
| kronolith_sharesng               |
| kronolith_sharesng_groups        |
| kronolith_sharesng_users         |
| kronolith_storage                |
| mnemo_memos                      |
| mnemo_schema_info                |
| mnemo_shares                     |
| mnemo_shares_groups              |
| mnemo_shares_users               |
| mnemo_sharesng                   |
| mnemo_sharesng_groups            |
| mnemo_sharesng_users             |
| nag_schema_info                  |
| nag_shares                       |
| nag_shares_groups                |
| nag_shares_users                 |
| nag_sharesng                     |
| nag_sharesng_groups              |
| nag_sharesng_users               |
| nag_tasks                        |
| rampage_objects                  |
| rampage_tag_stats                |
| rampage_tagged                   |
| rampage_tags                     |
| rampage_types                    |
| rampage_user_tag_stats           |
| rampage_users                    |
| turba_objects                    |
| turba_schema_info                |
| turba_shares                     |
| turba_shares_groups              |
| turba_shares_users               |
| turba_sharesng                   |
| turba_sharesng_groups            |
| turba_sharesng_users 

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