[horde] smartphone interface doesn't work anymore

robert at gmx.li robert at gmx.li
Wed Oct 23 20:15:22 UTC 2013

>> Hi
>> Am 23.10.2013 10:57, schrieb Hanns Mattes:
>>> Hi,
>>> Am 23.10.2013 10:32, schrieb Thomas Bühlmann:
>>>> Hello all
>>>> Am 23.10.2013 09:51, schrieb Andrea Zagli:
>>>>> after some upgrade smartphone interface doesn't work anymore: it seams
>>>>> that it can't load javascript and css (i can login and then i see the
>>>>> starting menu but without css)
>>>>> i tried from smartphone and from a pc with firefox explicitly choosing
>>>>> smartphone interface
>>>>> from pc with "automatic" interface it works
>>>>> thanks in advance
>>>> I can confirm this. Seems like mobile view is missing all CSS.
>>> Try disabling Javascript caching, at least this solved it for my
>>> installation.
>>> Regards Hanns
>> Yes, this helps. Thanks Hanns.
>> Clear out your static/ directory of *.css files. Currently there is
>> no way of automatically invalidating CSS that has been updated through
>> Horde_Core as opposed to CSS that has been updated through an
>> application.
>> michael
> That did not fix it for me. deleted all *.js + *.css from static,
> restarted webserver, cleared browser cache, problem persists.

>Somebody will need to track this down then, since I still can't
>reproduce on any browser (I've tried Chrome and FF on Win7, Chrome and
>Android browser on Android 10" tablet, and Chrome on an Android 4.5"
>Compressed CSS file is here:
>-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 125498 Oct 23 12:23
>Running through CSSlint, the only error is:
>361: error at line 1, col 91972
>Unknown @ rule: @-moz-document.
>which is perfectly fine (it is expected).

Actually i don't think it is a css problem. Please have a look at the attached screenshots from my android mobile. There is a empty mode that should not be there at all. If i log in using that empty mode i get to the dynamic portal but with a warning that Javascript is not supported by my browser. Tried with different browsers from phone + nexus 7.

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