[horde] Auto Populate Default Identity

Brian Spraker spraker at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 25 17:03:31 UTC 2013

Hi Cliff -

Look at the attached files for reference.  I used a combination of both of the items that were presented in the article.  I use a MySQL backend for user authentication.

The prefs.local.php file has the appropriate text - but I decide to not lock the e-mail address.  If you lock it, the field is not shown under Personal Information in the mail preferences.

In the hooks.php file, note that there is a location near the top where you need to put in your domain name, and another down near line 508.  In addition, there is a "require_once" string on line 497.  Ensure you update that to the proper location of that file.

By using both of these items together, upon first login, the system will automatically populate the default e-mail address.  Then the second method that is described on the CustomizingPreferences page is used to actually store the e-mail address in their default identity for future use.

Brian S.
BsnTech Networks

On Friday, October 25, 2013 11:50 AM, Cliff Hayes <chayes at afo.net> wrote:
I am a new to horde and am trying to set up a server.
>I need default identity to be populated automatically.
>I have searched archives and what I have found has not helped.
>hooks.php.dist doesn't mention identities.
>And http://wiki.horde.org/CustomizingPreferences is no longer useful 
>because of a note at the top stating the hooks format has changed.
>Please advise.
>Thanks in advance.
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