[horde] "Failed to download" and "deprecated" messages when upgrading Horde
Mauricio Jose T. Tecles
mtecles at biof.ufrj.br
Mon Nov 4 21:52:48 UTC 2013
Citando Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>> "channel://pear.php.net/Text_CAPTCHA-0.5.0" to install
>> "channel://pear.php.net/Text_LanguageDetect-0.3.0" to install
>> "channel://pecl.php.net/ssh2-0.12" to install
>> "channel://pecl.php.net/sasl-0.1.0" to install
> These are harmless errors, from the point of getting a basic working
> system. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to install these
> with a single PEAR command. You can look at the dev lists for a
> recent discussion about how we can fix this.
> All of the above SHOULD be installed though, since they are tested
> and used by Horde code, provided advanced features (and may actually
> be required by certain code), so the "beta" and "alpha" states are
> irrelevant from Horde's perspective. You have to manually install
> them by listing on the command line for now (e.g. "pear upgrade
> channel://pear.php.net/Text_CAPTCHA-0.5.0")
I have them installed easily with your directions.
Thank you, Michael.
Now I read:
root at celula:/var/www# pear list
Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package Version State
Archive_Tar 1.3.7 stable
Auth_SASL 1.0.6 stable
Cache 1.5.6 stable
Console_Color 1.0.3 stable
Console_Getopt 1.3.1 stable
Console_Table 1.1.6 stable
DB 1.7.14 stable
Date 1.4.7 stable
File_Find 1.3.2 stable
File_Fstab 2.0.3 stable
HTTP_Request 1.4.4 stable
Image_Text 0.7.0 beta
MDB2 2.4.1 stable
Math_BigInteger 1.0.0 stable
Net_DNS2 1.3.1 stable
Net_FTP 1.3.7 stable
Net_IMAP 1.1.2 stable
Net_SMTP 1.6.2 stable
Net_Sieve 1.3.2 stable
Net_Socket 1.0.14 stable
Net_URL 1.0.15 stable
Numbers_Words 0.16.4 beta
PEAR 1.9.4 stable
Services_Weather 1.4.7 stable
Structures_Graph 1.0.4 stable
Text_CAPTCHA 0.5.0 beta
Text_Figlet 1.0.2 stable
Text_LanguageDetect 0.3.0 alpha
Text_Password 1.1.1 stable
XML_SVG 1.1.0 stable
XML_Util 1.2.1 stable
sasl 0.1.0 alpha
root at celula:/var/www# pecl list
Installed packages, channel pecl.php.net:
Package Version State
APC 3.1.13 beta
LZF 1.6.2 stable
geoip 1.0.8 stable
intl 3.0.0 stable
memcache 2.2.7 stable
mongo 1.4.4 stable
pam 1.0.3 stable
ssh2 0.12 beta
xdiff 1.4.1 stable
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