[horde] horde-remove-user-data script usage

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Nov 5 04:24:15 UTC 2013

Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:

> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>> Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>>> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>>>> Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>>>>> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>>>>>> Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> How is one supposed to use this script?  I log in to my server  
>>>>>>> as root and run
>>>>>>> php /usr/bin/horde-remove-user-data
>>>>>>> I get the below, no matter if I try to put in a valid user or not.
>>>>>>> [root at www Horde_Smtp]# php /usr/bin/horde-remove-user-data
>>>>>>> [  INFO  ] Horde directory: /home/httpd/html/horde
>>>>>>> Username: john
>>>>>>> Application to remove data from (blank for all apps):
>>>>>>> Are you sure you want to remove user data?
>>>>>>> (y) Yes
>>>>>>> (n) No
>>>>>>> Type your choice [n]: y
>>>>>>> ====================
>>>>>>> Fatal Error:
>>>>>>> You are not allowed to remove user data.
>>>>>>> 1. Horde_Cli->fatal() /usr/bin/horde-remove-user-data:53
>>>>>> You have at least one admin user defined in your config?
>>>>>> michael
>>>>>> ___________________________________
>>>>>> Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]
>>>>> Yes, I sure do:
>>>>> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('admin at mytest.com', );
>>>> No idea.  Works here.  You'll need to track down the issue locally.
>>>> michael
>>> Well crud.  Since this is a test box, I reloaded, and I get the  
>>> same thing.  Would you or someone else help me to help myself in  
>>> trying to debug this, please?  My files are current as of today.
>> That script runs with the 'user_admin' flag set to true.  This  
>> means that the Horde Registry sets the user to the first user it  
>> finds in the admin config variable when initializing the script  
>> (see line ~325 of the Horde_Registry library).  This should cause  
>> all further calls to Horde_Registry#isAdmin() to return true.  That  
>> obviously isn't happening in your case, so you need to debug why  
>> that method is returning false instead of true (~line 2140 of  
>> Horde_Registry).
>> michael
> I've tracked down what makes this not work.  I'm using this hook to  
> append the domainname when the user logs in.
> class Horde_Hooks
> {
>       public function authusername($userId, $toHorde)
>       {
>           // Example #1: Append the virtual domain to the username.
>           // ex. $HTTP_HOST = 'mail.mydomain.com', $userId =  
> 'myname' returns:
>           // 'myname at mydomain.com'
>           $vdomain = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
>           $vdomain = substr($vdomain,strpos($vdomain,".")+1);
>           if ($toHorde) {
>               $userId = strtolower($userId);
>               return $userId . '@' . $vdomain;
>           } else {
>               return (substr($userId, -strlen($vdomain)) == $vdomain)
>                 ? substr($userId, 0, -strlen($vdomain)-1)
>                 : $userId;
>           }
>       }
> }
> ?>
> When using this hook, the script doesn't work. So, you say, then  
> don't use a hook, well the distro I'm using has been using horde  
> since version 2, and we've always used the hook to append  
> user at domain.com when a user logs in.  If I remove the hook, then a  
> users preferences are no longer saved, used, and visible, and I  
> personally, am not smart enough yet to migrate all the various data  
> in MySQL to not use a hook.  Hope some of that makes sense.  So,  
> could there be a way to use this script while also using the hook?   
> I know the hook doesn't match exactly the example, but I couldn't  
> get the example to work, so I kept trying things until something  
> finally worked for me.

The first entry in your admin list should be explicitly excluded in  
your authusername hook.  Create a dummy entry if need be.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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