[horde] horde install fails with many errors

Eric Levy contact at ericlevy.name
Fri Nov 15 16:49:07 UTC 2013


I followed the directions for downloading Horde from the pear  
repository.  Unfortunately, Pear fails to install many of the  
necessary packages.  I am running:

% pear -c <tgt_dir>/pear.conf install -a horde/groupware

I have saved a complete log of the output of this operation, but I am  
unable to post it because the list moderator declined to approve my  
previous post because of its size exceeding 40 KB.

Some sample lines from the log are:

Validation Error: File "turba/config/conf.d/10-groupware.xml" in  
directory "<dir name="/">" has invalid role "horde", should be one of  
cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www

Validation Error: This package contains role "horde" and requires  
package "horde/Role" to be used

I am hopeful that someone can help me achieve a resolution.  Thank you.

Eric Levy

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