[horde] IMP 6.1.5 Can't send a message via smtp (issue with HEHLO error 502)

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Tue Nov 19 10:36:26 UTC 2013


I've just installed the newer horde version for testing
horde 5.1.5
imp 6.1.5

I cannot send an email. In my backend I log  the "smtp debug" and I get :
>> Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:14:25 +0100
S: 220 ************************************
C: EHLO inf-webmail
S: 502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized

It seems there is an issue during the smtp requests in the /www/horde5/pear/php/Horde/Smtp.php at the line 369.
As though the case 502 is not detected. 

$this->_connection->write('EHLO ' . $ehlo);
       try {
           $resp = $this->_getResponse(250);

           foreach ($resp as $val) {
               $tmp = explode(' ', $val, 2);
               $this->_extensions[$tmp[0]] = empty($tmp[1])
                   ? true
                   : $tmp[1];
       } catch (Horde_Smtp_Exception $e) {
           switch ($e->getSmtpCode()) {
           case 502:
               // Old server - doesn't support EHLO
               $this->_connection->write('HELO '.$host);
               $this->_extensions = array();

               throw $e;

Thanks in advance for help.

Best regards.

Gérard Breiner
Institut D'Astrophysique Spatiale
FR.91405 Orsay Campus
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