[horde] IMP-6.1.6 : backend.local.php is not read

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Mon Nov 25 14:23:57 UTC 2013

Le 25 nov. 2013 à 11:48, Arjen de Korte <arjen+horde at de-korte.org> a écrit :

> Citeren Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>> Le 25 nov. 2013 à 00:54, roellig at roellig-ltd.de a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> NO backend!!
>>> USE backends <-- with s
>>> also backends.local.php
>>> Zitat von Gerard Breiner <gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I defined my backend.local.php as I've done with the others apps but with imp the file is not read. What could be wrong ?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Best regards.
>>>> Gérard Breiner
>>> Best Regards
>>> Sven
>>> --
>>> Röllig IT - Technik
>>> Hermannstr. 12
>>> 12049 Berlin
>>> Tel: 0049 (0)30 / 447 297 03
>>> Fax: 0049 (0)30 / 447 297 02
>>> mailto: roellig at roellig-ltd.de
>>> --
>>> Horde mailing list
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>> I Thanks you Sven… However, it is a mistake in my mail but not in my imp config.
>> So, in my config I really have backends.local.php but it is not read.
>> Yet, I added only what is not in backends.php as shown below :
>> -------------------------------------
>> <?php
> $servers['imap']['disabled'] = true;
>> $servers['advanced']['disabled'] = false;
>> $servers['advanced']['name'] = 'Secure IMAP Server';
>> $servers['advanced']['hostspec'] = 'myImapServer.fr';
>> $servers['advanced']['hordeauth'] = true;
>> $servers['advanced']['protocol'] = 'imap';
>> $servers['advanced']['secure'] = 'tls';
>> $servers['advanced']['port'] = 143;
>> $servers['advanced']['smtp']['debug'] = '/tmp/imp.log';
>> $servers['advanced']['smtp']['host'] = 'mySmtpServer.fr';
>> $servers['advanced']['smtp']['port'] = 25;
>> $servers['advanced']['maildomain'] = 'myDomain.fr';
>> $servers['advanced']['acl'] = false;
>> $servers['advanced']['cache'] = false;
>> I wonder why backends.local.php is not read whereas in the other apps like ingo an gollem backends.local.php files are do read.
> Maybe because you didn't disable the 'imap' backend that is enabled by default in backends.php.
> -- 
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Yes, you're right…. I added in backends.local.php : $servers['imap']['disabled'] = true; and it works very fine.
However the same content in backends.php without this line works too. It is why I thought that backends.local.php wasn't read. In fact it was do read but it requires the line you advice me whereas backends.php works without this line. 

Many thanks Arjen and Jan.

Best regards.

Gérard Breiner
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