[horde] imp-6.1.6 : The server does not support the quota extension

Gerard Breiner gerard.breiner at ias.u-psud.fr
Fri Nov 29 17:11:30 UTC 2013


I've just put my new horde server in production but  in horde.log I  get  one exception :
The server does not support the QUOTA extension [pid 31634 on line 570 of "/www/horde5/imp/lib/Imap.php"]
Unable to retrieve quota

I didn' t enabled "quota" in my backend.local.php. 

My versions of horde and imp are :  
Horde 5.1.5
IMP 6.1.6
Horde_Imap_Client 2.16.2

Thanks in advance for help.

Best regards.

Gérard Breiner
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