[horde] ActiveSync Error with Android

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Dec 2 14:41:00 UTC 2013

Quoting Jan-Philipp Hülshoff <horde at bklosr.de>:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm currently trying to setup a horde groupware (Horde (horde)  
> 5.1.5, Webmail (imp) 6.1.6) with ActiveSync to my Smartphone  
> (Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Android 4.1.2). I got the following  
> error in my IMAP Server (Apache James 3.0-beta4) when syncing mails:
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 | DEBUG 11:41:37,665 |  
> james.imapserver | ID=603343729 Got <command>: UID
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 | DEBUG 11:41:37,665 |  
> james.imapserver | ID=603343729 Cannot parse protocol
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 |  
> org.apache.james.imap.decode.DecodingException: Expected  
> end-of-line, found '('.
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 |       at  
> org.apache.james.imap.decode.ImapRequestLineReader.eol(ImapRequestLineReader.java:131)
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 |       at  
> org.apache.james.imap.decode.parser.FetchCommandParser.decode(FetchCommandParser.java:289)
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 |       at  
> org.apache.james.imap.decode.parser.AbstractUidCommandParser.decode(AbstractUidCommandParser.java:42)
> INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/12/02 11:41:37 |       at  
> org.apache.james.imap.decode.parser.FetchCommandParser.decode(FetchCommandParser.java:40)
> So it seems that the server thinks that there was an illegal IMAP  
> command. It could be the IMAP Server that does not implement a  
> special command or it could be horde that does something weird.
> The IMAP server works flawlessly with IMP and other mail clients.
> Are there any possibilities to see the IMAP commands that are  
> sent/generated by Horde?

Enable IMAP debug logging in imp/config/backends.local.php

> Are the IMAP library of IMP and ActiveSync the same?

They both utilize the same Horde_Imap_Client library.

> Does ActiveSync require special capabilities from the IMAP Server?

Not anything non standard.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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