[horde] Only one field for e-mail address in Turba?

Luis Felipe Marzagao lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 20:18:47 UTC 2014

Em 07-01-2014 10:41, Michael Neurohr escreveu:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to import my Gmail address book into Turba.
> But it turned out, that Turba only has one field for entering an e-mail
> address, whereas the exported csv file from Gmail has way more fields
> for e-mail addresses.
> The interesting thing is, that in the MySQL table "turba_objects" I can
> see three fields for e-mail addresses: object_email, object_workemail,
> object_homeemail.
> But they seem not to be available in the webmail interface.
> How can I make use of the additional mail address fields in the webmail
> interface, in active sync and so on?
The default turba/config/backends.php only maps the object_email field. 
You would need to manually enable the others by creating a 

Something like this (if I'm not mistaken)...

$cfgSources['localsql']['map']['homeEmail'] = 'object_homeemail';
$cfgSources['localsql']['map']['workEmail'] = 'object_workemail';

And check if they are also mapped in the 'tabs' key of this same array.

> Thanks,
> Michael Neurohr

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