[horde] ansel typo error 40?

Erling Preben Hansen erling at eph.dk
Mon Feb 17 09:37:23 UTC 2014


I almost forgot this.....

During my translation of the ansel module.
One of my users told me of an error he meant was a translation error.
But when i looked over the code i found this.

starting point is line 166 in ansel/config/prefs.php

$_prefs['watermark_font'] = array(
    'value' => 'bottom',
    'type' => 'enum',
    'enum' => array(
        'tiny' => _("Tiny"),
        'small' => _("Small"),
        'medium' => _("Medium"),
        'large' => _("Large"),
        'giant' => _("Giant")
    'desc' => _("Vertical Alignment")

shouldn't decs be something like _("Watermark font size") ?


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