[horde] Enquiry on the Horde Upgrade/Update process and Database Schema

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Feb 24 13:27:49 UTC 2014

Zitat von George ccto <george.ccto at gmail.com>:

> Hello All, Horde User/support,
> May I know anyway(s) to validate the Horde webmail upgrade is valid?
> ---
> I have a Horde Webmail 5.1.1 installed for testing.
> Before update, I used mysqldump to dump the MySQL database structure first,
> then run "pear upgrade -a -B -c horde"
> The Horde Webmail looks successfully upgraded to 5.1.3
> Then, I login to Horde Webmail as admin, goto Administration ->
> Configuraton , it shows "SQL DB schema is ready" in all components too.
> However, if I manually run "php ./pear/webmail-install" ,
> during webmail-install, I choose mysqli, and re-enter those database login
> information,
> then it proceed "Creating and updating database tables..." process
> Then, I re-dump the MySQL database structure, compare and found that a
> little bit different -
> - horde_activesync_state (changed column names)
> - horde_imap_client_data (changed column names)
> - horde_imap_client_message (changed column names)
> - horde_imap_client_metadata (changed column names)
> - new table - horde_queue_schema_info
> - new table - horde_queue_tasks
> So, my question is shall we re-run the "webmail-install" to update the
> database schema too too.
> (From the php code, it seems it needs (at least
> the horde_activesync_state SQL)
> Please advise.
> Attached is the 2 mysqldump (structure only) for reference.
> Thank you very much for your kind attention.
> Regards
> George

If at all, you should run horde-db-migrate on the console. But I'm  
rather wondering why your database schemas aren't listed as outdated  
in your configuration screen. Are the affected libraries displayed at  
all (Horde_ActiveSync, Horde_Imap_Client, Horde_Queue)?
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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