[horde] ActiveSync/IMP error with latest GIT

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Feb 27 19:03:11 UTC 2014

Quoting Joerg Pulz <Joerg.Pulz at frm2.tum.de>:

> It seems that this is related to the BINARY extension of curys-imapd-2.4.17.


> BINARY.PEEK[1.1.2] BINARY.PEEK[1.1.1])
> S: 11 BAD Invalid binary section

Yes.  BINARY.SIZE[0] is incorrect.  Part # "0" is defined by the  
calling code.  I believe you said this error was caused by activesync  
syncing?  If so, this is a bug that needs to be fixed there (mjr is  
the more appropriate person who can help with this).

> Is the above related to a cyrus-imapd problem/bug or is the request  
> sent by imp wrong?
> With 5.1.6-git from 7th of december 2013 everything was fine.

Bodypart size wasn't being correctly used until Horde_Imap_Client 2.18.3:

* [mms] Fix obtaining bodypart size (Bug #12992; martin at matuska.org).

So this recent fix is also caused this regression.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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