[horde] Horde Groupware Webmail Edition on Fedora 20

Anthony Messina amessina at messinet.com
Sun Mar 2 18:25:30 UTC 2014

On Sunday, March 02, 2014 01:04:21 PM Techswing33 wrote:
> If anyone is running Horde Groupware Webmail on an FC20 system in
> particular or Fedora in general please get back to me. I'm running in
> to various issues with setup.

I am.  Though I am installing everything that is *not* in the horde pear 
channel via yum/rpm so that I can keep the updated Horde install "separate" 
from the pre-packaged Horde RPMs from upstream Fedora, which are way out of 

I went through a series of trials and errors using the pear commands to find 
out which dependencies are available already via php-pear-* or php-pecl-* 

pear install -a -B horde/horde --pretend

I would then install the dependencies via yum/rpm.  When it was all said and 
done, I had all of Horde's deps that don't come from the horde pear channel 
installed via yum/rpm, then I would remove the "--pretend" from the above 
command and actually install Horde:

pear install -a -B horde/horde

Also, rather than trying to install webmail in one swoop, I installed the 
Horde framework, followed by each of the components I wanted included, 
repeating the "--pretend" process described above.

I also do the same "--pretend" process when upgrading:

pear upgrade -a -B -c horde --pretend

to ensure I am not going to pull in updates from pear that will clobber RPMs.

Of note, I did all this on F19, and have since "yum upgraded" to F20 without 


Anthony - http://messinet.com - http://messinet.com/~amessina/gallery
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