[horde] pls help

Andy Dorman adorman at ironicdesign.com
Wed Apr 2 18:25:41 UTC 2014

On 04/02/2014 01:09 PM, Trinh Tran wrote:
> Andy,
> Thanks for your prompt response.  However, I have many mailboxes (it would take a long time to drag/move) and really appreciate the old feature where it had a dropbox with list of all the mailboxes that I could just move my cursor and drop.  Do you know if there is a way that we can insert this dropbox?
> On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 12:58 PM, Andy Dorman <adorman at ironicdesign.com> wrote:
> On 04/02/2014 12:50 PM, Trinh Tran wrote:
>> With Horde's new format, I am struggling to find out how to:
>> 1. move my emails to the individual emailboxes (they are piling up!)
>> 2. change the color for events on my calendar to help with organization (everything is now gray)
>> 3. save a txt message that automatically pops up when I compose a new email.
>> I have tried surfing the site - used preferences for mail and calendar but nothing seems to work.  If anyone has done any of the above and provide step by step instructions, I would greatly appreciate it.
>> Trinh
> I use the dynamic view and click-and-drag to move emails from my inbox
> to individual mailboxes.
> I have not done the other two yet.

Trinh, when you log in I believe you can select to use the old interface.

I receive several hundred emails every day and with the dynamic/ajax 
interface I can select all that I want to move and drag the group.  This 
is really easy & fast with a thread-sorted list (click on the Subject 
column and you will see the option to Thread Sort).  I find that faster 
for me than the old drop down list.

Good luck.

Andy Dorman

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