[horde] imap search: missing CHARSET UTF-8 string

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Fri Apr 11 10:30:19 UTC 2014

Hello Michael,

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:


> You need to look at the entire IMAP log from login to here.  My  
> guess is that a BADCHARSET response happened at some point prior to  
> this (a badcharset response will cause all future searches to not  
> use the charset involved in that original search).

I did not find any BADCHARSET notice in the imap log (logged over a  
period for more than 2 days). hm...

> We always set the charset to UTF-8 on a search query in IMP (see  
> IMP_Imap#_search()), so the only reason I can see for a search to  
> not contain the charset information is if the server has previously  
> explicitly indicated that it doesn't support it.

Ok, thanks, we'll try to have a deeper look into this part.

> Although my question is why SORT isn't being used.  IIRC, SORT has  
> been supported by Cyrus for years, and not only does it make the  
> search charset issue moot (SORT requires the server to support UTF-8  
> for searching), it will also dramatically speed up mailbox listing.   
> There's not enough information in the logs given to determine if  
> SORT is not available or if it is not being used for some other  
> reason, such as the fact that you are sorting by display name.

Interesting notice! We got the feedback that the sort order in imp has  
influence about the search results. Something magic is going on  
here... (:

Liebe Gruesse, with best regards
Stephan Lauffer

Pedagogical University Freiburg - Germany
Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486
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