[horde] Cannot update Contacts

Henning Twilek at gmx.de
Sun May 11 19:33:23 UTC 2014

Since Horde 5.2. I cannot update the data of my Contacts from the
webinterface (this might be linked to the sync problems earlier). When
trying to update contact information I get something like...

2014-05-11T21:29:27+02:00 ERR: HORDE [turba] SQL QUERY FAILED:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in
your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near ' object_notes = '', object_url =
'', object_freebusyurl = '', object_pgppublicke' at line 1
        UPDATE turba_objects SET owner_id = 'twilek', object_type = 'Object',
          object_members = NULL, object_uid =
          '20140511182945.fMmGr5wbDWhkQONF0kXEHg4 at xxx.de', object_firstname
          = 'Test', object_lastname = 'Test', object_middlenames = '',
          object_nameprefix = '', object_namesuffix = '', object_alias = '',
          object_bday = NULL, object_anniversary = NULL, object_spouse = '',
          object_photo = NULL, object_phototype = NULL, object_homestreet = '',
          object_homepob = '', object_homecity = '', object_homeprovince = '',
          object_homepostalcode = '', object_homecountry = '', object_workstreet
          = '', object_workpob = '', object_workcity = '', object_workprovince =
          '', object_workpostalcode = '', object_workcountry = '',
          object_department = '', object_tz = '', object_email = '',
          object_email2 = '', object_email3 = '', object_homephone = '',
          object_homefax = '', object_workphone = '', object_cellphone = '',
          object_assistantphone = '', object_fax = '', object_pager = '',
          object_title = '', object_role = '', object_company = '', object_logo
          = NULL, object_logotype = NULL, object_category = , object_notes = '',
          object_url = '', object_freebusyurl = '', object_pgppublickey = '',
          object_smimepublickey = '', object_imaddress = '', object_imaddress2 =
          '', object_imaddress3 = '' WHERE object_id =
'xDfz5DdLsAIsYjVWx7VJ7Q8' [pid 25347 on line 204 of
2014-05-11T21:29:27+02:00 ERR: HORDE [turba] Server error when saving data.
[pid 25347 on line 544 of "/var/www/webmail/turba/lib/Driver/Sql.php"]

At some point the database schema seems to have gone corrupt but I can´t
figure out where and how...

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