[horde] Managing Invitations with iPhone and MS Outlook

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Thu May 15 17:19:55 UTC 2014

Quoting Regina Reusser <senara1 at gmx.ch>:

> Hello Mike
>> > I invite my partner to an appointment using my iPhones Calendar.
>> > Though he receives and accepts my invitation and the appointment is
>> > correctly entered in both my iPhones and Outlooks calendar, the
>> > invitation status stays on pending in both calendars, though I get two
>> > E-Mail-messages saying that the invitation has been accepted.
>> You don't say so, but I am assuming that the iPhone and Outlook are
>> somehow being syncd to Horde? Using what protocol?
> I'm using ActiveSync.

Outlook 2010 does not support ActiveSync.

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