[horde] Fwd: Interesting/wrong sync behavior with OL2013
Patrick De Zordo
patrick at spamreducer.eu
Mon May 19 13:43:59 UTC 2014
(this is a re-post, since with attachment it was dropped by admin)
Please download the attached log: https://db.tt/4pef8jQX
Hi there,
I have found a new problem on the actual installation..
Hopefully you are able to give me another help..?
I have installed a new Ubuntu 14.04 Server (all updates) and installed
postfix, dovecot and Horde from GIT (not alpha).
Checked 5 minutes ago with "git pull -uno", no changes in master.
All Horde functions seems to be ok, just with Active Sync there are
again some new problems..
1. After creating a new user in postfixadmin I open up Horde
webinterface and set the "Personal Information"/"Your full name:" and
"Personal Information"/"The default e-mail address..:"
2. Set "Deleting and Moving Messages"/"tick: Move deleted messages to Trash"
3. Fire OL2013, create a new profile
4. On first sync all seems to work as expected, all folders are synced.
OL gives back "All folders snychronized" and "CONNECTED" in the blue
bottom stripe (info bar in OL)
(I have the german Outlook, so i translate the German words by word, no
idea how the messages are in the English version, but it should be clear)
5. After a while (lets say 10-15 seconds) OL complains (in the blue
bottom info stripe) "Waiting for server response..." and "CONNECTED".
From this moment on the syncing is working just with big delay; and
sometimes its just synching when I change folder in OL (eg. Klick from
the Inobx to the Trash or something like that)
Do you know this strange behavior?
I attached a big logfile where the documented steps are reproduced.
Once today I have seen this "Error: Unable to initialize state for
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" appearing in log, don't know if important..
Any hints?
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