[horde] Horde working with spamassasin

Rafael Weingartner rafaelweingartner at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 20:16:02 UTC 2014

Hi all,
I have deployed Horde Webmail (5.1.4) with horde IMP (6.1.7-7.0.0alpha1),
ingo (3.1.4-4.0.0alpha1) with postfix and spamassasin.
I am having some troubles to make horde work with spam assasim, and I did
not find anything useful to help me debug the problem.

First problem, Spam assassim will add *****SPAM****, to the messages that
it consider as a spam, however, I could not find a way to make horde put
those messages into the spam box. How would that be possible?

I tried to change
" i:3;a:3:{s:4:"name";s:11:"Spam Filter";s:6:"action";i:' .
Ingo_Storage::ACTION_SPAM . ';s:7:"disable";b:1;}"
 i:3;a:3:{s:4:"name";s:11:"Spam Filter";s:6:"action";i:' .
Ingo_Storage::ACTION_SPAM . ';s:6:"enable";b:1;}

in "horde/ingo/config/prefs.php"
But, that did not work.

I also noticed that my spam box does not exist as default to users, how to
make horde create it as default to all users?

Rafael Weingärtner

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