[horde] Installation is a nightmare on Centos 6.5, please help.
Steve Campbell
campbell at cnpapers.com
Mon Jul 7 19:53:57 UTC 2014
On 7/7/2014 3:48 PM, Erling Preben Hansen wrote:
> Citat af Steve Campbell <campbell at cnpapers.com>:
>> I'm trying to get horde and imp installed on a Centos 6.5 64 bit
>> machine. I've been all over the internet attempting to get something
>> installed, with no results.
>> I've tried both the generic installation and the groupware webmail
>> installation, and never get anything written into the specified
>> directory. There is a lot of things that seem to be out of date, to
>> which I've tried to get working. I've run through the entire set of
>> commands without failure as a result, and still nothing is written into
>> my web directory.
>> I've installed php-pear, php-pear-db.
>> I then did:
>> pear channel-discover pear.horde.org
>> pear install horde/horde_role
>> pear run-scripts horde/horde_role
>> These all seem fine. Then I run the following:
>> pear install -a -B horde/webmail
>> I've tried without both options, and with only -a, but there always
>> seems to be a problem of necessary modules being outdated or something
>> to that affect, even though I get no error as a final result.
>> Nothing is ever written to my directories (/var/www/html/horde,
>> /var/www/html/horde/imp, or /var/www/html/webmail) I've tried quite a
>> few.
>> So now, how do I wipe all the problems and who has successfully
>> installed horde with imp on a Centos 6.5 box. I sure could use some
>> help. It seems to be either a complete success or complete failure for
>> most people.
>> steve campbell
>> --
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> Hey
> I am not sure how different it is in yur setup.
> But this should give you an idear.
> http://wiki.horde.org/CentOS5InstallationNotes
> /erling
I started down that particular set of instructions, but when you get to
the download part, the link takes you to a page that indicates there is
no stable release any more, and that you should use Pear to install horde.
I will try installing all of the php modules listed though and see how
far it will go with those instead of pear.
Thanks for the reply.
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