[horde] Using SMIME encryption in horde 5.1.1

Bruce Sherman bsherman at carqualifier.com
Tue Jul 8 15:34:02 UTC 2014



I am using Horde installed from my Host VM provider.  I have Comodo
certificates which I have already imported into windows 7 professional.  I
am able to export them into password protected .pxf files.  

I have not had any success getting these to import into the PGP security
section.   To make matters more complicated, I do not have command line
access to my server, I have cpanel.  Horde was installed by their staff.  I
have looked for docs pertaining to this and did find

But I am unsure how to proceed with IMP.  If anyone has some insights to
share, I would greatly appreciate it. 






Bruce Sherman





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