[horde] db integrity constraint violation while turba upgrade to 4.2.0

Claude Tompers claude.tompers at restena.lu
Mon Jul 14 08:55:29 UTC 2014

On 07/14/2014 10:43 AM, Rene Zeipelt wrote:
> Hello,
> while upgrading horde from 5.1.6 to 5.2 the turba upgrade reports the
> db migrating error:
> [  INFO  ] Migrating DB up.
> [  INFO  ] Current turba schema version: 9
> Migrating to TurbaUpgradeCategoriesToTags (10)
> == 10 TurbaUpgradeCategoriesToTags: migrating
> =================================
> == 10 TurbaUpgradeCategoriesToTags: Migrating contact categories to
> tags. =====
> -- select('SELECT object_uid, object_category, owner_id FROM
> turba_objects')
>    -> 0.0006s
> SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry
> 'ausername' for key 'rampage_users_user_name'
> Is there a way to find the wrong data set manually?
> The user did logins with "Ausername" and "ausername" (against a imap
> server).
> Thanks for help.
> Regards Rene Zeipelt
Hi Rene,

I had the same problem. I solved it with

UPDATE turba_objects SET owner_id=LOWER(owner_id);

kind regards,

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