[horde] LDAP issue: DN for user not found

Martin Höfling martin.hoefling at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 22:36:12 UTC 2014

Am 01.08.14 22:25, schrieb Andy Dorman:
> On 07/30/2014 01:14 PM, Martin Hoefling wrote:
Hey Andy,

thanks for your hint. Actually, I just played around and there's no
obvious reason to bind as user at all. So, I switched to anon binding
and now everything seems to work as expected.

Best wishes

> Martin, sorry to take so long...I have compared your ldap/auth conf to
> ours and the only diffs I see (aside from the obvious since we have
> different LDAP dbs) is we have ldap-user-bindn which is the same as
> our auth-params-basedn.
> $conf['ldap']['user']['binddn'] = 'ou=addresses,o=antespam.com';
> $conf['auth']['params']['basedn'] = 'ou=addresses,o=antespam.com';
> But I doubt that is your problem.

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