[horde] Problem with Gollem and Filedownload

Bastian Klein b.klein at bkims.de
Tue Aug 5 18:24:45 UTC 2014

Hi there,

hopefully someone can help here.
I have a problem with gollem.

I am not able to downoad files larger than for example 25 MB. I can
increase this value by increasing php memory limits (at the moment already
512 MB).

I think the whole behavior is strange because the site does not present an
download after clicking on download. It loads (i think till all data from
file is "streamed") and than offers download.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance and best regards,


Phone: +49 (5344) 2590066
Mobil: +49 (179) 7425446
Mail: b.klein at bkims.de

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