[horde] Can Multiple Horde systems share one TCP MySQL Database?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Aug 12 09:58:31 UTC 2014

Zitat von L. D. James <ljames at apollo3.com>:

> If there would be problems with two different Horde systems sharing  
> one MySQL database, can someone describe it to me?
> Whatever the problem happen to be, if any, I'll try to use my  
> programming skills to resolve the issues.
> Thanks!
> -- L. James
> -- 
> L. D. James
> ljames at apollo3.com
> www.apollo3.com/~ljames

If you are talking about different Horde *versions* then you will run  
into so many problems that you shouldn't even think about it.

Otherwise the question is why do you want to use the same database?  
It's a huge difference if you want to do things like load  
balancing/fallover or run different configurations for different  

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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