[horde] Ingo rules not getting migrated

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Mon Sep 8 14:23:13 UTC 2014

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von John H. Bennett III <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>> Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:
>>> Hello,
>>> Getting ready to migrate from horde 3 to latest horde 5, and I  
>>> noticed during my tests, that none of my ingo rules, or  
>>> whitelist/blacklist entries are being migrated.
>>> Before the migration, I see the rules in the horde_prefs tables.   
>>> pref_scope is ingo, pref_name is rules and pref_value has various  
>>> entries. Whitelist entries are there with whitelist pref_name, and  
>>> blacklist entries with blacklist pref_name.
>>> After the migration horde_prefs show pref_scope and name are the  
>>> same, but under pref_value is [BLOB - 256 B].
>>> If I create a new rule, it does get placed in the ingo_rules table  
>>> and is visible.  Creating a new white/black list is stored in the  
>>> ingo_lists table.
>>> What have I missed in getting my rules migrated?
>>> Thank you,
>>> John
>> Got a little further today.  I changed the ingo storage driver back  
>> to prefs and everything shows back up.  I had been using the sql  
>> driver as I thought I had migrated the ingo filters to use sql  
>> using the ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql script.  I ran that by piping a  
>> filename that contained all of my users.  Have I missed a step in  
>> getting my ingo filter rules migrated to sql?
>> Thanks again,
>> John
> The script tells you which users it is migrating and whether it succeeded.
> -- 
> Jan Schneider
> The Horde Project
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Yes, it does, and it says they have been converted.

Here are my steps:

1. Login to horde, check ingo.  All Filters are there.

2. Execute script

[root at www ~]# php /usr/bin/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql < users.list


      Fatal Error:
      You need to configure an SQL storage backend in Ingo's configuration

      1. Horde_Cli->fatal() /usr/bin/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql:36

3. Above is known error, but ran just to show that it won't run until  
you change ingo/conf.php

from:  $conf['storage']['driver'] = 'prefs';
to:    $conf['storage']['driver'] = 'sql';

4. Execute script

      [root at www ~]# php /usr/bin/ingo-convert-prefs-to-sql < users.list
      Converting filters for user: bennettj at mytest.com.....done

  On my system, user at domain is how things are saved in mysql.

5. Logout and back in to horde.  No filters are shown.


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