[horde] Inside Horde Paper Like Hooks

Bruno Furtado brunofurtado at brunofurtado.net
Tue Sep 9 03:19:15 UTC 2014


I've found Horde Introduction and Inside Horde papers of Mr Jan Schneider
talk during FISL 10.

The Inside Horde paper has some instructions on how to request user to
change his password on first login. Together with requesting user to fill
his password recovery information, these "missing features" are holding the
H3 to H5 upgrade I'd like to proceed. I've tried to adapt the instructions
described in the paper to H5 but, as the paper is H3 oriented and much has
changed from H3 to H5 including framework functions, I'm having some

The farest I could get is to display a notification telling the user he has
to fill his password recovery information. But the behaviour I expect is to
redirect the user to the forgot password preferences page. The second
"missing feature" is the user be asked to change his password on first

Some probably important informations are: The user's base is OpenLDAP and
authentication is based on OpenLDAP. The Horde sign up is closed. And there
is an outside Horde user registration.

Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Best regards,

Bruno Furtado

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