[horde] Again: motd not displayed

A. Schulze sca at andreasschulze.de
Tue Sep 9 11:54:59 UTC 2014

Maciej Uhlig:

> Jan Schneider - 2013-03-14 11:21:
>> From the top of motd.php:
>>  * Local overrides MUST be placed in motd.local.php or motd.d/.
> Actually the newest Horde doesn't show content of all the motd files;
> instead only main motd.php and ONE of the other files are shown. In case
> motd.local.php exists, content of files in motd.d directories isn't
> shown at all. In case motd.local.php doesn't exist, only the last .php
> file from motd.d directories is shown.
> Looks like output buffering doesn't work correctly, what could be a
> reason of this?


since months I have files /horde/config/motd-vhostname.php containing  
plain HTML.
These files are untouched since February.
Now the aren't displayed anymore But I'm sure the were visible some time ago.

Settings in other files like /horde/config/prefs-vhostname.php
or /horde/config/conf-vhostname.php act as expected.

I tried to delete /horde/static/*, any cache and tmp files and  
restarted apache/nginx webserver.

What's the right way to show different text below the login page for  
different vhosts?


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