[horde] Returning HTTP 500 while handling Sync command

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Nov 9 20:19:39 UTC 2014

Quoting Andreas Mauser <andreas at mauser.info>:

> Thank you,
> it was attached, I attached it again :)

2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I  <Synchronize>
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I   <Folders>
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I    <Folder>
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I     <SyncKey>
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I       0
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I     </SyncKey>
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I     <FolderId>
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 DEBUG: [32523] I       
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 ERR: [32523] Unmatched end tag:
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 ERR:
2014-11-09T19:02:41+00:00 ERR: Protocol error

The device is sending some binary/non-ascii data as the folder id. Did  
you try creating a new folder? Can you grab a wiretrace of what is  
actually being sent? FWIW, there was one other person on the mailing  
list reporting a similar issue with a Samsung device.

The Horde Project
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