[horde] nginx dynamic view problem?

Ruud Baart r.j.baart at prompt.nl
Sat Jan 10 23:01:41 UTC 2015

hmm .. it worked but now it does not work anymore. On my android phone 
all messages and folders were synchronized. But after a while, playing 
around on my phone, no messages anymore and again endless waiting 
without any response or error messages. The phone does not notice when I 
stop nginx .

Ruud Baart schreef op 10-01-15 om 22:53:
> Thank you again. Seems to work with my android smartphone 5.0.1 and a 
> Outlook 2013 client.
> I changed the http://wiki.horde.org/webserver/nginx accordingly.
> A. Schulze schreef op 10-01-15 om 15:23:
>> Ruud Baart:
>>> Your configuration works but active sync does not work anymore.
>> sure, I don't use it.
>>> in the section location / I added the lines from my previous 
>>> configuration in which activesync worked as it should:
>>>       rewrite_log on;
>>>       rewrite ^/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync(.*)$ /rpc.php$1 last;
>>>       rewrite ^/[Aa]utodiscover/[Aa]utodiscover.xml /rpc.php;
>> this is apache way to solve a problem. I suggest reading
>> http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/converting_rewrite_rules.html
>> in nginx it should look like this:
>> (the order locations appear in nginx.conf does not matter)
>> location / {
>>   ...
>> }
>> location /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync {
>>   alias /path/to/horde/rpc.php;
>>   fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
>>   $usual fcgi_arguments
>> }
>> location /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml {
>>   # same as above ...
>> }
>> you could repeat the last block 4 times in different cases to avoid 
>> regex matching on every request
>> No idea if it's worth. But maybe somebody could measure the 
>> difference once he has a running setup.
>> feel free to extend http://wiki.horde.org/webserver/nginx
>> Andreas

Met vriendelijke groeten/Regards,

Tiswe/R.J. Baart Automatisering B.V.
Ruud Baart

Tel: +31 6 51318104

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