[horde] Unable Change Location in Weather Weather Online Portal Block, Horde 5.2.1

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jan 13 17:29:26 UTC 2015

Zitat von Andy Dorman <adorman at ironicdesign.com>:

> I am sure this is something dumb I am doing, but I will be happy to  
> submit a bug report if others are having the same problem.
> We are using the latest Debian Horde 5.2.1 with Apache 2.4.
> We have a WorldWeatherOnline key and the portal weather block  
> display looks great and the portal updates every 30 seconds as  
> configured.
> However, if I try to use the text field and "Change Location" button  
> in the block, the following happens:
> 1. When I enter the new city, I get a nice dynamic list of matching  
> cities to choose from.
> 2. I choose the new city, state from the list (or just finish typing  
> the correct state) and Click the "Change Location" button.
> 3. The weather display updates to be empty except for  
> "horde_block_weather not found."
> During the above process Firebug indicates ajax calls are being  
> handled successfully (http 200 response codes).  However, I do not  
> actually see anything that indicates the new location field was sent  
> to the server. What I do see are these XHR POST transactions and  
> response:
> POST:  
> http://beta.mail.comehome.net/services/ajax.php/horde/imple?token=dpnOOSLQ16P3HOHR4U2QVQ7&app=horde&imple=Horde_Core_Ajax_Imple_WeatherLocationAutoCompleter&input=locationd0a814b90b21a6f0e9030387b782a88c
> RESP: /*-secure-[{"name":"Huntsville,  
> Alabama","code":"34.730,-86.586"}, ... ,{"name":"Huntsville, Rhode  
> Island","code":"41.964,-71.713"}]*/
> POST: http://beta.mail.comehome.net/services/ajax.php/horde/blockRefresh
> RESP: /*-secure-{"response":"horde_block_weather not found."}*/
> http://beta.mail.comehome.net/services/ajax.php/horde/blockAutoUpdate
> RESP: /*-secure-{"response":"<table  
> class=\"impBlockSummary\"><thead><tr><th>Mailbox<\/th><th>Unseen<\/th><th>Total<\/th><\/tr><\/thead><tbody><tr><td><strong><a href=\"\/imp\/index.php#mbox%3ASU5CT1g\">Inbox<\/a><\/strong><\/td><td><strong>8<\/strong> (<span style=\"color:red\">1 new<\/span>)<\/td><td>62<\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table>","msgs":[{"message":"You have 1 new mail message in Inbox.","type":"horde.message"},{"message":"\/themes\/default\/sounds\/jetsndb.wav","type":"audio"},{"message":"You have 1 new mail message in  
> Inbox.","type":"webnotification","webnotify":{"icon":"\/imp\/themes\/default\/graphics\/unseen.png"}}],"jsfiles":["\/js\/webnotification.js?v=be5cf1c9"]}*/
> I have confirmed with World Wide Weather that we have not exceeded  
> our allowed number of requests.
> The good news is if I click on the edit icon in the upper right  
> corner of the weather block and change the location in the resulting  
> form, the location is changed as it should be and the portal block  
> display is good again.
> So, does anyone else have this problem or have any suggestions I  
> could try to fix it?  I have considered trying WeatherUndergraound  
> to see if it has the same problem.
> -- 
> Andy Dorman
> -- 
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This has been fixed already.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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