[horde] Creating horde_prefs manually...

Michael Robinson plug_1 at robinson-west.com
Thu Jan 15 05:38:19 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-01-14 at 21:13 -0800, Michael Robinson wrote:
> I shouldn't have to do this, but I gave it a shot.
> mysql> SELECT * FROM horde_prefs;
> +-----------------+----------------------+----------+------------+
> | pref_name       | pref_value           | pref_uid | pref_scope |
> +-----------------+----------------------+----------+------------+
> | identities      | a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:2:"i | admin    | horde      |
> | upgrade_tasks   | a:3:{s:5:"horde";s:5 | admin    | horde      |
> | last_logintasks | a:2:{s:5:"horde";i:1 | admin    | horde      |
> | last_login      | a:2:{s:4:"host";s:25 | admin    | horde      |
> | upgrade_tasks   | a:3:{s:5:"horde";s:5 | michael  | horde      |
> | last_login      | a:2:{s:4:"host";s:25 | michael  | horde      |
> | last_logintasks | a:2:{s:5:"horde";i:1 | michael  | horde      |
> | identities      | a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:2:"i | michael  | horde      |
> | upgrade_tasks   | a:3:{s:5:"horde";s:5 | mom      | horde      |
> | last_login      | a:2:{s:4:"host";s:25 | mom      | horde      |
> | last_logintasks | a:2:{s:5:"horde";i:1 | mom      | horde      |
> | identities      | a:0:{}               | mom      | horde      |
> +-----------------+----------------------+----------+------------+
> 12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> 
> I read error messages from horde about table columns not existing and
> created them using an educated guess on field type.  I guessed that each
> column should be a varchar(20), but that is probably wrong.  Horde is
> still failing to read the preferences back when I log back in.  Uge!
> Clearly horde has saved preferences, but it isn't reading them back.
> I'm also concerned that I should never have had to create this table
> manually.  Now that I know more about the table format, I could try
> creating the table in postgresql and avoid having to use two databases.

Turns out, the horde_prefs table exists in my postgresql database, but
it clearly wasn't being read by horde upon logging out and back in.
I don't know what the analog to the bytea data type in postgresql is in
mariadb.  I figure it is a 10 bit field, or bit(10).  Still have to set
the primary key if I'm creating the database manually and there are two
indices.  But this should be automatic and furthermore the database
should get read when someone logs in.  So there is either a bug of horde
not reading horde_prefs or somehow I am not allowing the read.

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