[horde] Skeleton of new horde module broken for H5

Jan Niggemann jn at hz6.de
Fri Feb 6 12:02:10 UTC 2015

Zitat von Steffen <skhorde at smail.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de>:

> On Fri, 6 Feb 2015, Jan Niggemann wrote:
>> I tried to create a new module  
>> (http://wiki.horde.org/CreatingYourFirstModule), but once set up,  
>> the new module doesn't display anthing.
> I had to:
> 1) copy the new skeleton over into the horde hive, the symlink as  
> suggested did not work.
Sadly that doesn't change anything.

> 2) list.php _must_ output something. IMHO even a &bnps;  seems to work.
Hm, I can't get this to work though. By default, i.e. without me  
changing anything in the skeleton, the word "List" ist output.
I can see it in the rendered pages' source, its in a link with the  
path body -> horde-body -> horde-sidebar -> -> horde-subnavi ->  
horde-subnavi-point -> <a href="/horde/infotest/list.php">List</a>

Nothing the the logs though. Migration was fine, the tables are  
present in the DB...


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