[horde] Activesync on Android mail sync

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Feb 10 16:26:16 UTC 2015

Quoting rgelfand2 at gmail.com:

> On 2/10/2015 9:25 AM, Michael J Rubinsky wrote:
>> Quoting Roman Gelfand <rgelfand2 at gmail.com>:
>>> I have configured android mail to show mail by conversations.  Activesync
>>> email synced with horde shows one email per conversation (number 1
>>> appearing on each line).  Whereas activesync email synced with exchanged
>>> server shows number of emails in conversation with stacked view.
>>> Is there a setting I need to change on the horde side?
>> Conversation support is spotty, at best, with our ActiveSync  
>> implementation. There are a few reasons for this, some of which are  
>> due to the fact that Exchange has access to specific MAPI  
>> properties that allow it to detect related emails, and to parse out  
>> the unique parts of each email (instead of duplicating the quoted  
>> text in each email). Some of it we could probably improve, but  
>> others are just not possible when using IMAP (as opposed to MAPI)  
>> as a mail store.
>> If you provide a sync log showing the conversation requests I can  
>> see what we can improve. I don't have any clients to test that  
>> truly support this - most just implement it client side (using only  
>> the emails available on the client, of course) similar to IMP's  
>> conversation view.
> I see.  What technology or technologies for mail, contacts, notes,  
> calendar, etc..  would you recommend for syncing horde to, let's  
> say, android?

ActiveSync is currently (and probably arguably) the best current  
solution for easily syncing the entire groupware stack.  Otherwise,  
you can try DAV for calendar/contacts along with IMAP for email.

The Horde Project
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