[horde] Turba: Fatal Error because of config file

Jan Niggemann jn at hz6.de
Wed Feb 11 10:51:59 UTC 2015

Hi list,

when I try to configure turba, I get a fatal error: "Call to a member  
function hasChildNodes() on null"

Debugging shows that this is because of the file  

The files content is exactly like this:

- Renaming the conf.d directory to something else makes the error go away
- Everything seems to work normally

What is this file for, can I safely delete it?
Otherwise I'd rename the conf.d directory, configure turba, and then  
re-rename it to conf.d...

This is on a H5 (Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.4), turba 4.2.4  
and Horde 5.2.3...


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