[horde] Activesync calendar won't sync, log shows Duplicate entry

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sun Feb 15 18:57:05 UTC 2015

Quoting John H. Bennett III <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:

> Hello all,
> I'm seeing this error in my log.
> Feb 15 12:47:27 jbesmith HORDE: SQL QUERY FAILED: Duplicate entry  
> '{54e0e7e8-132c-458c-a25a-2a140a0a0a28}22' for key 'PRIMARY'    
> #011INSERT INTO horde_activesync_state (sync_key, sync_data,  
> sync_devid, #011  sync_mod, sync_folderid, sync_user, sync_pending,  
> sync_timestamp) #011  VALUES  
> ('{54e0e7e8-132c-458c-a25a-2a140a0a0a28}22', #011   
> 'C:34:"Horde_ActiveSync_Folder_Collection":88:{{"s":[],"f":"@Calendar@ #011   
> ","c":"Calendar","lsd":1416767976,"sd":1424025577,"i":true,"v":1}}',  
> #011  'SEC3626BBCAF3D99', '11092', 'A0ab702e6', #011   
> 'name_removed at mydomain.com', 'a:0:{}', 1424026047) [pid 10356 on  
> line 315 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php"]
> I read this link, http://wiki.horde.org/ActiveSync/KnownIssues#toc9,  
> but until I remove this entry, my calendar won't sync with  
> new/changed entries, everything else seems fine.
> Is there anything I can do, short of completely deleting the account  
> and recreating it?

Most likely there is an issue with the specific calendar entry that is  
causing the client to not accept it. This causes the same request  
(with the same sync key) to be issued - which leads to that "error" in  
the logs. You can post the sync log of the request that is failing and  
I'll take a look to see if anything looks odd. Otherwise, you can try  
deleting the offending calendar entry from Kronolith and try  
recreating it.

The Horde Project
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