[horde] Turba: searching for tags

Dominik Erdmann horde_mailing at der-domi.de
Wed Feb 25 19:35:02 UTC 2015

Am 25.02.2015 um 20:12 schrieb Dominik Erdmann:

>>>>> Is there any way to enable a search in Turba over the tags?
>>>>> In Horde version before 5.2 it was able to search for categories if
>>>>> I remember correct.
>>>> Not yet
>>> Funny, I was certain I added this already, but obviously not. It's
>>> back on my "do soon" list now at least...
>> https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/13693
> So, finally I got it! I installed Horde-git and tested the tag-search.
> Thank you for did it!

I added the comment "Saving search as  a virtual address book does also 
not work..." to the ticket. Will you see it? I guess, I can't change the 
status :-)


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