[horde] pecl_http / Wunderground issue

Simon Wilson simon at simonandkate.net
Wed Mar 4 03:44:46 UTC 2015

Not sure if this is a bug or my config...

I just updated my Horde install to all latest, and the Horde portal  
and Kronolith both throw errors:

2015-03-04T12:14:02+10:00 EMERG: HORDE [horde] http\Client::enqueue():  
Cannot request empty URL [pid 27102 on line 77 of  

Full error message is at the bottom of this email.

This has been working fine prior to the upgrades with pecl_http.

If I uninstall pecl_http Horde falls back to other methods and works fine.

I have verified that pecl_http is correctly installed (and have  
reinstalled) and presenting its methods:

[root at emp06 modules]# strings /usr/lib64/php/modules/http.so | grep Client

Full error seems to be triggered by Wunderground - disable  
Wunderground weather from the portal and Kronolith and everything  
works fine again.


A fatal error has occurred
http\Client::enqueue(): Cannot request empty URL

   1. Horde_Core_Block_Layout_View->toHtml()  
   2. Horde_Core_Block->getContent()  
   3. Horde_Core_Block->_call() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:175
   4. Horde_Block_Weather->_content() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php:278
   5. Horde_Service_Weather_WeatherUnderground->searchLocations()  
   6. Horde_Service_Weather_WeatherUnderground->_searchLocations()  
   7. Horde_Service_Weather_WeatherUnderground->_makeRequest()  
   8. Horde_Http_Client->get()  
   9. Horde_Http_Client->request() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Http/Client.php:117
10. Horde_Http_Request_Peclhttp2->send()  
11. http\Client->enqueue() /usr/share/pear/Horde/Http/Request/Peclhttp2.php:77

The full error message is logged in Horde's log file, and is shown  
below only to administrators. Non-administrative users will not see  
error details.

http\Exception\RuntimeException Object
      [message:protected] => http\Client::enqueue(): Cannot request empty URL
      [string:Exception:private] =>
      [code:protected] => 0
      [file:protected] => /usr/share/pear/Horde/Http/Request/Peclhttp2.php
      [line:protected] => 77
      [trace:Exception:private] => Array
              [0] => Array
                      [file] =>  
                      [line] => 77
                      [function] => enqueue
                      [class] => http\Client
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => http\Client\Request Object
                                      [type:protected] => 1
                                      [body:protected] =>  
http\Message\Body Object

                                      [requestMethod:protected] => GET
                                      [requestUrl:protected] =>
                                      [responseStatus:protected] =>
                                      [responseCode:protected] => 0
                                      [httpVersion:protected] => 1.1
                                      [headers:protected] => Array

                                      [parentMessage:protected] =>
                                      [options:protected] =>



              [1] => Array
                      [file] => /usr/share/pear/Horde/Http/Client.php
                      [line] => 218
                      [function] => send
                      [class] => Horde_Http_Request_Peclhttp2
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array


              [2] => Array
                      [file] => /usr/share/pear/Horde/Http/Client.php
                      [line] => 117
                      [function] => request
                      [class] => Horde_Http_Client
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => GET
                              [1] => Horde_Url Object
                                      [anchor] =>
                                      [pathInfo] =>
                                      [parameters] => Array

                                      [raw] =>
                                      [toStringCallback] =>
                                      [url] =>  
                                      [_cache:protected] =>

                              [2] =>
                              [3] => Array



              [3] => Array
                      [file] =>  
                      [line] => 372
                      [function] => get
                      [class] => Horde_Http_Client
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => Horde_Url Object
                                      [anchor] =>
                                      [pathInfo] =>
                                      [parameters] => Array

                                      [raw] =>
                                      [toStringCallback] =>
                                      [url] =>  
                                      [_cache:protected] =>



              [4] => Array
                      [file] =>  
                      [line] => 208
                      [function] => _makeRequest
                      [class] => Horde_Service_Weather_WeatherUnderground
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] =>  


              [5] => Array
                      [file] =>  
                      [line] => 143
                      [function] => _searchLocations
                      [class] => Horde_Service_Weather_WeatherUnderground
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => Archerfield%2C%20Queensland


              [6] => Array
                      [file] => /var/www/horde/lib/Block/Weather.php
                      [line] => 141
                      [function] => searchLocations
                      [class] => Horde_Service_Weather_WeatherUnderground
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => Archerfield, Queensland


              [7] => Array
                      [file] => /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php
                      [line] => 278
                      [function] => _content
                      [class] => Horde_Block_Weather
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array


              [8] => Array
                      [file] => /usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/Block.php
                      [line] => 175
                      [function] => _call
                      [class] => Horde_Core_Block
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => _content
                              [1] =>


              [9] => Array
                      [file] =>  
                      [line] => 98
                      [function] => getContent
                      [class] => Horde_Core_Block
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array


              [10] => Array
                      [file] => /var/www/horde/services/portal/index.php
                      [line] => 35
                      [function] => toHtml
                      [class] => Horde_Core_Block_Layout_View
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array



      [previous:Exception:private] =>
      [severity] => 2
      [logged] => 1

Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16
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